

The grace of God . . . abounded to many. —Romans 5:15
Joe Stowell

Today's Scripture

Today's Insights

Paul’s comparison of Adam and Jesus can be boiled down to a few words. Adam’s life resulted in an “offense” that brought “judgment” and “death,” but Jesus’ life brought a “free gift” of “grace” that brought “righteousness.” In grace (v.15), God took away the consequences of Adam’s sin—spiritual death and condemnation—and gave to all who believe in Jesus the gift of eternal life through His sacrificial death (vv.18-19).

Today's Devotional

The Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, is one of the most visited homes in the US. It was built in the 1930s and named after the original owner’s great aunt, Grace. It later became famous as the home of Elvis Presley.

I love the name Graceland because it describes the amazing territory into which God placed me when He forgave me of my sin and made me His own. He took me out of the darkness and brought me into His own “graceland.”

The apostle Paul says that “the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many” (Rom. 5:15). I’ll be forever thankful that the “many” includes me and that God’s love has transferred me into the territory of His marvelous, infinite, matchless grace!

Think of the blessing of being in God’s graceland. It is a realm where He has given us entrance into His presence and where that same grace continues to overflow into our lives on a daily basis. Paul tells us that even in times of despair God showers us with sufficient grace to see us through (see 2 Cor. 12:9).

No matter what life may bring, nothing can remove us from the realm of God’s grace.

Reflect & Pray

Lord, for the blessings of Your grace
I am forever grateful! Teach me to accept
Your grace and to live in its power. Help me
to share Your story with others.

Remember where you live and rejoice in His grace.

Bible in a Year